Monday, June 2, 2014

Weekend at Home

After a long week, it's time to get back to blogging.  This weekend we decided to stay at home for once.  Saturday we headed to the pool after naptime and had a blast.  Avery managed to get me in the water and swim around with her.  We have a pool that is pretty shady, which is great in the summer, but freezing in May.
On Sunday, Avery and Mommy went and ran some errands while daddy did yard work (more on that later).  Apparently she got a hold of Laura's phone and took a few (10) pictures of the adventure (of her feet).
On Sunday afternoon, I decided that I could not stand to get in the cold water again so we decided to play a little golf in the back yard.  First, I had to show her how it was done.
 She tried her best with her 3 year old attention span.  We are going to keep trying because she doesn't have the genetics to be a basketball player or swimmer to get that college scholarship.
 Golf quickly devolved into a tea party in the backyard, so Laura ran and got her some real food to eat for dinner.
"Did you really think that was going to work??"
 Cute as a button and getting bigger everyday.

So the yard work...  We decided to improve our backyard and get a patio put in.  Hopefully they are coming to put it in in the next couple of weeks so we had to move some bushes out of the way.

And after...  I think it looks 10x better already.

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