Friday, June 13, 2014


As a continuation of Air Transportation week, we took Avery to the Carolinas Aviation Museum on Saturday.

Her first words were "THIS IS AMAZING!" She continued to repeat that for the first 10 minutes or so.  She then started pointing out the different parts of the airplanes (propeller, engine, wings, tail, etc) that they had learned about in school. 
They had several interactive displays.  You can see from her face how happy she was getting in an airplane for the first time.  "Daddy, that airplane is red! Your favorite color! But it is small like me!"
The guy was asking her questions about the airplane as she was pretending to fly it and she had some pretty cute responses.  She told him he would fly to the lake, but she wasn't big enough to fly by herself.
They also had a larger engine cockpit that she could go in and press the buttons.  I didn't get to take a turn, but it looked like a lot of fun.  I flipped as many switches as I could while I was in there.
This is her dropping Bombs over Baghdad in the cockpit of a fighter jet.
At the end of the tour we got to walk around a couple larger airplanes on the side of the runway.  There were planes taking off in the background so it was a pretty cool experience.  If she keeps up this love of airplanes (I hope so) we will end up with memberships at this museum.

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