Friday, November 15, 2013

That's our Avery

School keeps them on a schedule and you have to have rules when you spend all day with 18 toddlers, so some of that rubs off on us at home, but we also know Avery has OCD.  When I come to pick her up, she has to finish what she playing with (usually a puzzle) and put it back on the shelf where it belongs.  Good training.  Lately it's been dark when we leave school so Avery tells me "Mommy its dark outside.  That means it's time to go home, eat dinner, take a bath, and go to bed."  Throw in some Dora cartoons and iPad time and that's basically our evening on the weekdays.

Avery also teaches us things she learns in school.  She knows her colors and can count to 8 in Spanish.  I say 8 because for some reason the number 9 comes out as "eleven." and I don't remember what she says for 10...

She is getting real close to being potty-trained....she will tell me when she's already done the deed and needs to be changed, so we just have to get her to tell me before she needs to be changed.  She will yell at me from her crib (I'm downstairs) - "MOMMY CHANGE ME!".  This past weekend she didn't want to nap so she would yell at us downstairs - "Mommy, what did you say?  I can't hear you! Mommy!!... Come get me!"  At least she will talk to her puppy and baby Tips for a while.

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