Thursday, December 8, 2011


Paper.  The most amazing toy for a little baby.  Or at least our little baby.  You have seen the wreckage she has done at the doctors office here and here playing with the paper they put down on the tables.  

When we pick her up from daycare they give us a sheet everyday telling us when she ate, what she did, and how many poops she had.  Key vitals to raising a kid I guess.  I had the paper to Avery as soon as I get it.  She will study it to see if the teacher tattled on her then wave it to the teacher as we leave.  As soon as she can get 2 hands she begins to rip it up.  

She thinks it is pretty funny.  Not as much as in this famous video, but still funny.  Even more recently she has learned that the more she strains and efforts she puts into it, the better her success is.  So she has started "Hulking Up" and making grunting noises that you can hear in the second video (along with me grunting to encourage her).  Sometimes she will hulk up just for fun and try to pull one hand off of her arm with the other one.  Or she will be sitting in the high chair just ball up her fists, grunt, and flex every muscle in her body (not making a poop).  I can't wait to capture this on video.