Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Game #2

 So the weekend of the 12th we went to the second football game of the year.  During the first game, Avery noticed that the tickets indicate the game number. As we left the house on the way to Vass she made sure to ask (and as we pulled into the stadium) "Do you have Game number 2 tickets?"  I don't think she could me more like her father if she tried.

The game was a "blackout" so everyone was supposed to wear a black shirt as the team would be wearing black uniforms.  It took a little while to explain to her why we were wearing black (and to find a short sleeved shirt in September at Old Navy), but she was clearly on board.
My two girls snapping pictures while I unloaded the car and set up the tents.

Once I got the tailgate setup, Avery was eager to see the band and the cheerleaders as they get the crowd pumped up when the players get to the stadium.  Here she is running and dragging Laura to go see everything.  

 First up was a visit with Mr. and Ms. Wolf.  Avery was so proud that Ms. Wolf was also wearing a black dress to the game.
 In awe of the nearby cheerleaders being tossed up in the air.
 She kept pulling on Laura until Laura asked if she could get a picture with them.
 Once she got her pictures, she had to get on Daddy's shoulders to get a good view of the band.
 One the way into the game, we took her picture in front of the wolf statue.  We had to make up a story about each one of the wolves and what they were doing.  (There is an actual story about each one of them and what they represent, but we were in a hurry to get inside.)  So if she asks about Carl the wolf and that he is looking for popcorn....just go with it.
 Once in the game, she was her usual cheer all game long self.
 After the game we walked by some construction equipment so she had to get in.  Everytime we pass construction on the road, she always says "Mommy what's that over there??  CONSTRUCTION!!!"

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