Sunday, August 2, 2015

Beach Trip Part 2

So I mentioned that there were 8 kids and 8 adults...  It was honestly better than just having one or two kids.  They seemed to take turns pairing off with each other and playing.  By the end of the few days, they were best of buddies.

At first there was just 2 toddlers.  Before this picture, they were pretending this chair was a rocketship and flying it to the moon or something.

Easton and his little sister Eleanor Mae.

 Carter and one of his girlfriends, Eleanor.
 A half smile from both of them.
 The problem with having 4 toddlers is that it is hard to get all 4 looking at the camera smiling at the same time, but they did have a great time playing in the pool together.
 Carter and 2 of his girls, Eleanor Mae and Elliot.
 Avery and Easton.
 This time it was Easton's turn to refuse to look at the camera.
 The toddlers and their daddies all painted up for chicken fight battles.

Mary and Laura with 3 of 4 little ones on the beach.

Charlie brought some of her dress up clothes so of course Avery enjoyed that.

And Easton brought his iPad and they all actually shared that quite well - Paw Patrol, bringing kids together so the parents can cook dinner... priceless.

Here's Juliet.  She's the oldest of younger foursome at 13 months.  She was actually just 6 weeks at last year's gathering.  Avery really enjoyed following her around and making her laugh.  She says she can't wait for Carter to get that big.

The Marshall and the Giorgi kids and the end of a fun vacation.

The whole crew!

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