Friday, December 6, 2013

Tree Decoration

We asked Avery if she wanted to convert her crib into a big girl bed.  She said, "No I like my crib.  I want it to be cozy."

We have been a bit lazy over Thanksgiving taking pictures, but we did take a few decorating the tree.  As frequent readers of the blog know, Avery has a bit of OCD around certain things.  She likes things to be in perfect places exactly how she wants.  Decorating a Christmas tree is like a giant puzzle that cannot be solved.  If you'll notice the ornament she is hanging in these pictures is the same ornament.  She tried many times to find the perfect place for it.  Meanwhile, Laura was able to decorate the rest of the tree.

Anyways, it was a perfectly lazy Thanksgiving as the girls decorated a tree and I cooked them a ton of food.

1 comment:

  1. She looks so grown up on these pictures! Did she get another haircut or did you just fix it?


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