Monday, January 9, 2012

9 Months / 10 Months

Avery turned 9 months old before Christmas and turns 10 months old next week. So last Friday seemed like the perfect time to have her 9 month old appointment as well as a name for an Ice Cube movie.  Also because we forgot about her real one that was a couple days after Christmas.  Shout out to Providence Pediatrics for not charging us for missing that appointment.

So for the tale of the tape.....  She weighed in at 17+0.6 which I can only assume means 17lbs 0.6oz, but that is an assumption.  Apparently in nursing school they don't teach you how to write down weight.  This puts her in the 20th percentile and up 3lbs 5oz from 6 months.  Her height(length) was 27.5" which is in the 50th percentile.  This is only up 0.5" from her 6 month checkup but is a pretty unscientific measurement so there is a good chance she is actually shrinking.  Her headsize is at 17.75" which is in the 60th percentile and only 0.25 inches larger.  This is good that her body is growing into her head, because she was about to start wearing adult hats. is a picture of the happiest baby in the whole wide world.