Wednesday, June 8, 2011

First Day of School

We got up early this morning and got Avery ready for her first day of school.  I made bottles and got Avery dressed.  Laura packed her a bag of clothes and one of her favorite baby blankets.  We took this happy picture of Avery before a very sad mommy loaded her in the car seat and took her off to school.  When Laura dropped her off she was sleeping.

Laura decided to go by her daycare at lunch and snapped this picture of Avery happy to see her mommy.  She was just chilling in her bouncy seat before Laura came in.  Notice she is still wearing the same outfit as the morning.

However, when Laura picked her up the story got a lot more interesting.  Avery wasn't screaming or anything, but was wearing different clothes.  In fact it was her third set of clothes. She had managed to mess up the one she wore to school and one extra that was packed.  I guess that is why they ask for 2 extra sets.....  Check out her report card below and see if you can see why she needed extra clothes.

Finally.....happy to be home!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Avery! First day of School! :) And, way to go Mommy & Daddy!


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