Friday, July 8, 2016

July 4th weekend at the lake

 July 4th weekend we went up to the lake house with the family and had 3 days of fun in the sun/rain with all the kids.  We let Gigi cook for us and let the kids watch each other so it was a lot of fun to just watch them enjoy each other.

Carter really enjoyed the dirt.

A sharp contrast from Avery who at no point in her life has wanted to get dirty.
Ru spoiling the grandchild that would give him the most attention by sharing his lemonade.  Apparently Carter enjoys lemonade.  It would actually be easier to list out the foods and beverages that Carter doesn't enjoy: Avocados.  That is it.  The boy will eat anything.  

 Maddy staying fly at the lake.
 Carter did not really enjoy the jetski ride as much as we thought he would.
 But did I mention that he enjoyed playing in the dirt?
 The little sea captain.  He really does enjoy the water like his big sister which is good.  Now that he is walking he wanted to walk into the water so we had to keep an eye on him.
 Anna and Avery had a blast with each other.  So much so that they stayed an extra week with Gigi and Ru.

Of course we had to have fireworks!
 The girls played with the sparklers, but larger ones were shot later on.
 Art class!

The 4 little kiddos, all of them smiling, all of them looking at the camera.  This is definitely going to be a Christmas present level picture.
 Anna can't help herself.
 Did I mention the girls had fun with each other?  Here they are being silly and making Carter laugh.

Since we were at the lake, the girls had to go fishing one evening.

Carter was more interested in finding out was in the box of worms (hint: worms) and trying to eat them.

Avery's big "catch"
 Anna's big "catch"
 Carter couldn't wait to get in on the action.

Now that Avery can read, it was a great help to Gigi to let Avery read some of the books so she could take a break and cook for us.
Or to teach the girls how to make cookies.  Anna was an excellent taste tester (taking down a spoon full of sprinkles instead of spreading them on the cookies).
 Everyone had a blast playing with Madison and she was an angel the entire weekend.
 And Carter loved being the goofball with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you all are having a fantastic summer and there's more to come!


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