Saturday, February 13, 2016


The weekend before last (or maybe earlier depending on when this post gets published), Laura left me with the kids to go help Aunt Stephanie do some wedding stuff.  So I did what any reasonable father would do and called his mother to come help.  We then decided let's get even more help by heading up to the grandparents and letting them entertain them.

First up was Nanny and Paw's where they have a basket of baby toys that Carter had a blast playing with.  His favorite toys are always drumsticks and will turn anything into a drum including his sister's head.  Conveniently, there was drums and drumsticks in the toys, so he didn't have to use his sister too much.

Carter also fashioned a bucket into a hat and Nanny dressed him in a Reds baseball helmet.
Carter also ate pretty well.  He must have eaten a cup of green beans, a half of a sweet potato, and a couple of pizza crusts.
After a quick nap, we headed over Grandma Marshall's house to turn other things into drums.
Carter has figured out how to crawl up to someone, pull up on you, and position his hands into yours until you walk him around the room.  We all took turns wearing our back out leading him around the room.
Sissy and Gigi make great play mates.

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